Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Modern Day Heroes vs. Odysseus

            Modern day heroes and Odysseus face some of the same challenges, and some challenges that are completely different for each other. However, they all go through the same guided journey. Each hero is called and given a mission, and chances are the turn it down. Then after encouragement from a mentor, they accept the mission and become the brave hero of the story.
            One example is the idea of technology that modern heroes have to face. Odysseus did not have to face people such as Loki. He used advanced technology and extrapolated ideas to hurt the heroes. Things such as energy swords that help him transform into his fighting suit. However, the technology is also a help to some of the heroes. For example, Iron Man is able to walk right onto his platform and a whole bunch of machine robots undress him. At most, Odysseus had to deal with make believe gods that either made hius journey positive or negative. But, modern days heroes do not have to worry about that stuff.
            They don’t have to worry about their own fate resting in a god or goddesses hands. Odysseus always had to make sure that he didn’t do anything to make the gods and goddesses upset. If he did, he would have to suffer the consequences. For example, Zeus believed that Odysseus did not deserve to go home. Therefore, he is going to or will make Odysseus’ trip home horrible. Also, Poseidon was angered by Odysseus. He promptly tried to drown Odysseus in a river.
            Modern day heroes also fight to save the lives of other people, or the citizens of the town he defends. Odysseus was considered a hero because he was fighting at the Trojan War once. Modern day heroes fight their villain more than once.
            But, both heroes have to live with the decision that they make. Once they have excepted the mission, they can not back down and let people down. They also must deal with the guilt of some of the choices that they made. For example, Odysseus had to live with the guilt that he wanted to stay on Calypso’s island, and didn’t want to go back to Penelope in Ithaca. All heroes must continue with the journey that they have chosen.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Odyssey from Penelopes point of view

     Penelope was married to one of the Trojan War heroes Odysseus. However, he was the only one that did not come back, and people did not know where he was. She has been home alone for ten years. Her only son Telemachus has been home with her. No one in Ithaca knows where he is, the best conclusion they can make is that he is dead. Penelope keeps trying to tell Telemachus that Odysseus is his father, but he never seems to believe her. Latley there have been many suitors around her house. They are telling her that Odysseus is dead, and that she needs to choose one of the to marry becuase Odysseus isnt coming home. However, Penelope is indecisive on whether to marry one of the suitors and believe that Odysseus is dead, or belive that he is actually alive.             
     What Penelope doesnt know is that Odysseus is still alive. He has been trapped on an island by Calypso for the past ten years. Now Odysseus is free, and is only focusing on returning to his wife and Ithaca. Also, Telemachus left his mother to go talk to Nestor. He belived that Nestor would tell him about his father, and whether or not he is dead or alive. When he talked to him, Nestor days that he doesnt know what happened, but he is pretty sure that he is dead.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My fairy tale

            I had run out of the house after my evil stepmothers outrageous comment. I was sitting in the living room watching T.V. when she stormed in and started yelling, “Why haven’t you done the dishes, cleaned the floor or picked up the living room?” I new that I had and told her, “I did do the dishes those are Sarah and Tina’s dishes! I cleaned the floor and made it spotless, and the living room is very clean!” The evil women turned around and shot me a look that burned holes in my face. She hollered, “WELL OBVIOUSLY IT ISNT NOT DONE WELL ENOUGH!” That’s when I ran out of the house.
I galloped as fast as I could to the forest. There was nothing my way except a few fallen trees that we jumped and some low hanging branches that kept slapping me in the face. All that was going through my mind was “I can not believe she really just said that to me”. I was to frustrated to even think about it right now it seemed like I could not make it to the forest fast enough. Once I reached the forest I slowed my horse down to walk. In the woods, I swore I kept hearing little voices telling me to go somewhere. I also swore that they were darting back and forth right in front of my face. Then, right at that moment the sky went black, and there was a large clap of thunder. Out of know where a wizard appeared. He started to talk to me but at first I was way to shocked to understand.
“Excuse me?” I muttered. He once again said, “I am here to lead you on a journey to a better life, you will meet some very helpful people on the way there, and you will also meet some very special people!” At first I thought this was a complete joke until I saw the seriousness on the wizards face. I managed to work out, “How exactly would I complete this journey?” “Just follow the fairy trail, it will lead you to magical places and to meet new people.” I except this quest, and the wizard vanished in what seemed like seconds. When I snapped back to reality, I went to check my self to see if this was really happening. As soon as I looked up, there was a trail of little pink and blue fairies leading me straight ahead.
I followed them for about 20 minutes. The first place it lead me was a little hut hidden behind some large oak trees. I dismounted and allowed my horse to eat some grass while I went inside. There was a little old women sitting over a glass ball. She told me that she would be able to predict any and all problems I would have in the future of this extravagant journey. But there only seems to be one. She looked at me and said, “I don’t see many problems except one thing. There is a little monster following you trying to make everything harder.” I took it for what it was worth she then dismissed me from her home and told me to be on my way.
 I mounted my horse and this time followed a green and purple set of fairies. They lead me to this beautiful field of flowers. I walked to the middle only to see this very handsome man standing in there. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. “ Hi, I’m Jessica.” I said. “I am James, its nice to meet you!”. I  cant lie, he had me hooked on the first words. I found myself falling head over heels in love with someone who I just met by following fairies. All of the sudden, a little monster comes hurdling towards me and punches me right in the face. “No one will find you worthy to be their wife with such an ugly bruise” the little monster hissed. I fell from my horse and hit the ground hard. James immediately ran to help me. “I think it might be a good idea for me to join you on the rest of your journey.” I nodded in agreement and he put me back on my horse and walked at a swift face next to me.
Soon I saw a new trail or fairies. These ones were orange and yellow. We were walking for a while when all of the sudden my horse spooked. She reared up, knocked me off and took of running. I then her a little voice hiss, “This journey will never be accomplished without a source of transportation. James caught me and asked me if I was okay. Physically yes, emotionally no! My horse that I absolutely adore had just took off running and is no where to be found. Despite the set back, I sucked it up and kept walking hand in hand with James. The fairies led us a large castle.
We walked up to the guard tower, where two very large men sat. We told them we were led here by the orange and yellow fairies. We were welcome into the castle very graciously. A man in a suit greeted us in the main room at spoke, “congratulations, you have found your way to a new and better life. Here there will be no more yelling, and no more chores that need to be done. I founded where I was supposed to be and immediately broke down into tears. The suited man quickly asked what was wrong. I told him, “My horse was spooked by a little monster and is no where to be found, and I would give anything to have her back right now.” The suited man had a thinking face on and said, “is the horse bay with a white blaze?” “YES!” I exclaimed. The suited man led me to the barn where Nikki was standing happy in a pasture enjoying some summer grass. “We found her running loose and caught her” he said. “Thank you so much” I said.
I was able to live a much happier life. I had James by my side and my horse in the barn behind the lovely castle I now call home. I don’t care about my stepmother or sisters. I am right where I am supposed to be.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Archetypes In Lord of the Rings

     An archetype is a universal symbol. They are the mojority of common elements seen in stories, movies, or television shows. Some examples would be a femme fatale, a trickster, a great mother, and a great father, and the dying god. There are also some stories that completely based off of archetypes. Some examples of those are large floods, virgin birth, the underworld, creation, a final apocalypse, and paradise. Since these things are archetypal, they show up in many different cultures.
     One common archetype is the child, and it is featured in the book The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien. The ring is considered this kind of archetype. Since the one ring gives you all the power, it gives you a new hope and promise for a new beginning.
     This archetype represents all the power of the world in the book. The ring could also give someone a new beginning. The book also has the shadow archetype in the book. The dark place of Mordor is considered a shadow. Also Frodo is considered a hero. He is the brave character that excepts the quest to Mordor. He is also joined by Mary and Pippin who would be considered his sidekicks.