Thursday, February 21, 2013

Twelfth night

Reading a play is different then a novel because of the way it is written. A play is written in complete dialogue between the characters. Unlike in a novel, not only do you see from the characters point d view, you also see from an outsiders point of view. You only see the situation from the point of view of the people in that particular situation. I feel like it would be easier to understand if it were a novel. This is because you would be able to have a different view on what is happening. It would also not be as confusing to follow. Also, watching a movie helps you grasp a better understanding over the storyline. It is again the same situation with the movie. You are able to see everything from pretty much a birds eye view and have your own stand on a situation.

Twelfth Night Character Analysis

In Twelfth Night, there is a character named Sebastian. He is a twin brother to Viola. They were separated during a shipwreck. Now, Viola believes that Sebastian has died in the shipwreck, and Sebastian thinks the same of Viola. In the play Twelfth Night, Sebastian is portrayed as a very kind and compassionate character. This is shown when he is talking to Antonio, "... Therefore I shall crave of you your leave so that I may bear my evils alone. It were a bad recompense for your love, to lay any of them on you." This quote shows that Sebastian is telling Antonio not to go with him because his bad luck might have an affect on Antonio, and he doesn't want anything happening to him.