Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Is Odysseus an Epic Hero?

     Odysseus can be considered as an epic hero, or not an epic hero. He has some qualities that make him a hero. However, some of his qualities make him a person that is nit honorable, couragous, or intelligent. Those are three of the most important characteristics of an epic hero.
     One characteristic that Odysseus has is his courage. He is always willing to explore, and do tasks to help save the lives of his crew. One example of this is when Odysseus tries to save his men from the cyclopes cave. He risked his life by being the last man to ride a sheep out of he cave. He was alo courageous, and risked himself to stab the giant in the eye. Another example is when he goes to find his men in the goddesses island. Odysseus had recieved a warning about her from the messenger god. He was told that she practices witch craft, and turns people into pigs. But, Odysseus still voluntarily went in to save his men.
     But, in many times of the story Odysseus does some things that are far from honorable. An example of this is when he is in the cave as well. Odysseus and some of his men hide behind a rock when the giant is angry, this causes other three other people of hud crew to be eaten alive. Another exsmple is when they set sail from Circe's island for the second time. She warns Odysseus that there will be a large six headed creature in the water. She also tells him that it will want to eat one live human for each head. Odysseus takes this warning into consideration for himself, he does not tell his crew though. When they reached the site of the monster, Odysseus sends six of his men to the front of the ship. The monster pops out of the water and grabs the unexpecting men. She swims fast back to the cave and Odysseus and his men listen in horror as his fellow crew members are eaten alive. This was not a very honorable thing to do. Instead of going around he sent six of his men to be killed so it wouldnt take as long.
     Odysseus has some characteristics that differ. It is up to you to decide whether he is heroic.

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