Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Analytical Essay: Wide Awake

     The song Wide Awake by Katy Perry has many literary devices, and a deeper meaning. In order to find the deeper meaning, you must read in between the lines and apply the words to a real life situation.
     The song is about herself and how she feels. This is what is seems like until you actually analyze the lyrics. In the beginning, the song describes how she was not paying attention and was letting herself hopelessly fall in love. She was also just letting her heart be hurt. She is n paying attention, and cant understand how she read the "stars" or fate wrong. In the second verse, she realizes that not everything is how you see it. She was dreaming that things were not the way they were. The song goes on to explain how she recovers from falling in love. She says "yeah i am born again outta the lions den". She is trying to say that she is starting over and is a lot stronger this time. She also ends their story together.
     There are also many literary devices written into the song. This helps that lyrics develop a deeper meaning than just words. Literary devices allow for the words to connect to outside situations. One literary device is "gravity hurts". This is personification because gravity can not actually hurt. Another one is "crashing from the high". This is an oxymoron because the words crashing and high contradict each other. Another literary device is "the storys over now, the end". This is a synecdoche. The story stands for the whole life and time spent with this person that she fell madly in love with. One more literary device is "castles crumbling". This is an alliteration because the C repeats in the beginning of both words.
     The lyrics of the song are majorly affected when Katy Perry performs the song. This is because she wrote the song from a personal experience. Katy Perry puts a lot of emotion into the song when she sings it. This causes you to feel the pain that she feels in each set of lyrics. Each set of words develop a more powerful meaning when someone who has experienced it, puts all of their emotions into it.

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